
About me

This website is my personal space, where I hope to write about things that at some point interest me. In a sense, this is a simple way to thank those from whom I have learned – by further expanding in the hope to help others. Everything I write here represents my opinion alone. In particular, what you read here does not necessarily represent the oipinions of past, present or future clients or employers.

Professional career

I studied Computer Science back in the day and my career has given me multiple opportunities to fund companies and work for others in different capacities, including executive roles at interesting places. At some point I studied Telecommunications Management, obtaining a credential that says that I know how to perform managerial and executive roles. Go figure. Being the curious type I am, I have always looked for additional activities to fill my time. This is why if you go to my LinkedIn profile you will find multiple positions that overlap over time. This has kept me busy and allowed me to learn many new things that over the years have proven very useful.

As time has passed, my interests have changed. Things that have interested me in the recent past – and perhaps still do by the time you read this – include computer programming, computer security, Internet email, anti-spam operational research, Internet infrastructure and lately, remote controlled quadcopters (Please do not call them drones!). These are listed in no particular order.

I like and support open source software. I do not have a quasi-religious view on this subject though. I have contributed to a number of open source projects, including libraries that others can use freely. Giving code away for others to use has allowed me to meet fantastic people doing very interesting things. It is very nice to know that your code has been (and sometimes, still is) used for important things all over the world.


I’m fully bilingual in Spanish and English. Most of the time I’ll be choosing a language based on what I imagine the audience of each post will be. Hopefully this won’t become too crazy. Google Translate can be your friend if you’re curious.

This site

I work on this site a more or less regular text editor. I write most of the content directly using a language called Markdown, which tells the computer how to typeset what I wrote. MarkDown is so simple that you can read and understand it at a glance. Posts written in Markdoen are plain text documents I can keep safe using the same source control tools programmers use to work with source code.

Once I am satisfied with a post, I send the modified content to one of my personal servers, where a system called Hugo converts the text into a hopefully pretty web page that you can read in your browser. This setup allows me to publish content with ease, so I guess my only excuse for not writing more is not having the time.